Quadrangular element in stone with five holes
A particular interesting find is a quadrangular limestone item with a hole in each corner and a fifth in the centre (fig. 1).

Fig. 1 - Cagliari, Sant’Eulalia: holed stone (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).
Several examples have been found in the Mediterranean basin (figs. 2-3) but it is still not certain what their function was: it could just be a sand anchor, a tool used to make ropes or used to fish coral or just a manhole.

Fig. 2 - Villaputzu, location Longu Fluminu: holed stone (from Ledda 1989, p. 354, tab. XCVII, fig. 4).

Fig. 3 - Gonnesa, Fontanamare: holed quadrangular element (from Salvi, Sanna 2000, p. 125, fig. 125).
The marks of ropes on the circumference would support the first three theories, and the proximity to the port.
The fourth hypothesis seems to be linked to the presence of sewer inspection and maintenance pits; these were closed with manhole covers for safety reasons. Moreover, those manholes were holed to allow rainwater to flow into the underground channels.
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