Depositions in the giants’ tombs
The poor condition of the graves does not allow, at least in part, to reconstruct the rituals associated with the burial of the deceased. It is possible that access to the burial chamber, as may be seen in the tomb of Pascaredda, in the area of Calangianus (fig. 1), could occur by shifting a removable element, made of wood or stone, placed between the closing slabs of the funerary corridor.
The dead were laid out without any personal belongings which could distinguish them; the few everyday objects in ceramic, stone and metal, refer to the community of the dead.

For the first time, in the tombs of Sa Sedda’ and Sa Caudela, near Collinas (figs. 2, 3) the presence of burials according to an age range has been documented.

Instead, in the tomb of Bidistili, in the territory of Fonni (fig. 4) the grave goods were laid on a bed of river pebbles, which according to the interpretation given by archaeologist Giovanni Lilliu, symbolised the journey on the water which the deceased undertook to reach the afterlife.

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