Two terracotta, disk-shaped Nuragic pintaderas with a circular central grip, were found in Su Nuraxi (figs. 1, 2, 3, 4). The pintadera found in hut 141 of the village is decorated on its lower surface with five bands of corners that start from the central hole. It dates back to the 9th-8th centuries B.C.

Figs. 1, 2 - Hut 141 in the village of Su Nuraxi, disc-shaped pintadera (photo by Pinna P.P., RAS Photographic Archive).

Fig. 3 - Su Nuraxi, disc-shaped pintadera from 8th-7th century B.C. (From Lilliu, Zucca 1988, fig. 33, p. 62).

Fig. 4 - Su Nuraxi, pintadera (from Campus, Leonelli, table 455, p. 765).
Identical pintaderas to these were found in several dwellings in Nuragic Sardinia (12th-8th century B.C.). They mainly have elaborate decorations on them, comprising various geometrical patterns. It is presumed that these terracotta stamps of various shapes found in Nuragic dwellings were used as stamps to decorate bed for special occasions. The artefacts found in Su Nuraxi are currently on show at Casa Zapata in Barumini.
- BAGELLA S., Pintadera - scheda 15, in MORAVETTI A., ALBA L., FODDAI L. (a cura di), La Sardegna Nuragica. Storia e materiali, Sassari 2014, pag. 257.
- CAMPUS F., LEONELLI V., La tipologia della ceramica nuragica. Il materiale edito, Viterbo 2000, pp. 763-767.
- SEBIS S., DERIU L., Le pintaderas della Sardegna nuragica della prima Età del Ferro, in Atti della XLIV Riunione Scientifica dell’I.I.P.P., La preistoria e la protostoria della Sardegna, Cagliari-Barumini-Sassari 2009, volume III Comunicazioni, Firenze 2012, pp. 835-842
- LILLIU G., Il nuraghe di Barumini e la stratigrafia nuragica, in Studi Sardi, XXII-XXIII, 1955, p. 305, tav. XLIII.5.