Detailed sheets

The round huts

The oldest group of huts in the Nuragic village of Su Nuraxi appeared in the Recent Bronze Age (Lower Nuragic Era I, 14th-12th century B.C.). During the Final Bronze Age, (Upper Nuragic I, 1150-850 B.C.) most of the houses in the village were built (fig. 1).

Fig. 1 - Map of Su Nuraxi, nuraghe and village (from Lilliu 1988, fig. 38, pages 86-87).

These are circular walls built using medium-sized stones in a dry wall technique, now only preserved up to a short height, forming a single rooms with a conical wooden roof, dual tangent wall façades, aligned on the same axis and arranged around a communal space (figs. 2, 3).

Fig. 2 - Eastern Sector of the village of Su Nuraxi (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).
Fig. 3 - Hut 172 in the village. A mill with grinder at the centre of the room (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).

Inside these rooms, several items have been found, including mills for making flour, fireplaces for cooking food, remains of meals, pottery vases, lanterns, equipment for spinning and weaving, and instruments for working wood and stone.



  • LILLIU G., ZUCCA R., Su Nuraxi di Barumini, Sardegna archeologica, Guide e Itinerari, Sassari 1988.
  • MURRU G., Barumini. Su Nuraxi e il villaggio nuragico, Fondazione Barumini Sistema Cultura, 2007.
  • SANTONI V., Il nuraghe Su Nuraxi di Barumini, Guide e Studi, Quartu Sant’Elena 2001.
  • UGAS G., La Sardegna nuragica. Aspetti generali, in MORAVETTI A., ALBA L., FODDAI L. (a cura di), La Sardegna Nuragica. Storia e materiali, Sassari 2014, pp. 11-34.
