Detailed sheets

The domus de janas XIII

Of the domus de janas located on the plain, tomb XIII or tomba del Ciglione, as named by the archaeologist Antonio Taramelli, (fig. 1) is the most interesting.

Its entrance, next to hypogeum XII, has a ruined facade, where only residual traces of the entrance to a large ante-cell with a flat ceiling can be seen (figs. 1, 2).

Figs. 1, 2 - On the right, the entrance to the domus de janas XI (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).

At the centre of this room, sunk into the floor rock, there is an architectural element of considerable importance: a circular, ritual fireplace with ring-shaped ferrule and a cup in the centre (figs. 3, 4). Taramelli interpreted it as an offer bowl and for funeral libations.

Fig. 3 - Map of domus de janas XIII (by TARAMELLI 1919, fig. 57, pages 119, 120).
Fig. 4 - The ante-cell of hypogeum XIII with the ritual fireplace in the centre (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).

There is a door in the ante-cell that leads into the cell, originally small, then expanded at a later date. To the west, a door leads into a square cell, with a small oven cell on the left, and another square cell on the same longitudinal axis.



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  • CAPRARA R., La necropoli di S. Andrea Priu. Sardegna Archeologica. Guide e Itinerari, 3, Sassari 1986.
  • FOSCHI A., Bonorva. Loc. Sant’Andria Priu, in Anati E. (a cura di), I Sardi. La Sardegna dal Paleolitico all’Età Romana, Milano 1984, pp. 287-289.
  • MELONI G. M., Le domus de janas del Logudoro-Mejologu, in L’ipogeismo nel Mediterraneo. Origini, sviluppo, quadri culturali, Atti del Congresso Internazionale, Sassari - Oristano 23 - 28 maggio 1994, II, Muros 2000, pp. 789 - 802.
  • TANDA G., L’Arte delle domus de janas nelle immagini di Jngeborg Mangold, Sassari 1985, pp. 61-65.
  • TARAMELLI A., Fortezze, Recinti, Fonti sacre e Necropoli preromane nell’Agro di Bonorva (Prov. di Sassari), con rilievi e disegni del Prof. Francesco Giarrizzo, in Monumenti Antichi dei Lincei, XXV, 1919, coll. 765-904.
  • TARAMELLI A., Edizione archeologica della Carta d’Italia al 100.000, Foglio 193 Bonorva, quadrante II NE, Firenze 1940 (XVIII), pp. 48-49.
  • USAI L., La necropoli di Sant’Andrea Priu a Bonorva, in Almanacco Gallurese, 2013-2014, Muros, pp. 40-47.

