The monk
The word monk comes from the ancient Greek word mònos, that means “alone”. The monk was the person who isolated himself from the world to walk a path of spiritual research, through renunciation and prayer. The religious figures of the San Nicola monastery belonged to the Camaldolese congregation, founded by San Romualdo in the 11th century. The Camaldolese monk observed the rules of Saint Benedict (Ora et labora), did not scorn life in solitude and could choose whether to live as a hermit or in a community with other monks; he mostly spent his time in the cloisters, reading, meditating or simply carrying out “daily duties” of the monastery (figs. 1-3).

Fig. 1 - Augusto Mussini, San Romualdo e i cinque discepoli nella foresta, 1915, (

Fig. 2 - Camaldolese monk (

Fig. 3 - Clothes of a Camaldolese monk (visual di Testaluna Srl).
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