The Athen family
The church of San Nicola di Trullas was sold in 1113 by the Athen family to the Camal-dolese monks through a donation document concerning only the ecclesiastical building complete of its liturgical furnishings, without any reference to the monastery, which probably did not existed at that date (figs. 1-3).
The Athen family was one of the majorales families, i.e. The giudicato aristocracy, who, even if not noble, as there was no feudal system in Sardinia, still held a high social position. The power of the majorales was based on land property, and the social role inside the giudicato society was also to elect who succeeded to the role of judge in the ruling of the kingdom, as well as being a part of the administrative bodies, such as the coronas de curadorìa, the administered the single regions into which the giudicato was divided.
The Athen family, from Pozzomaggiore and a part of the curadorìa of Costavalle, owned large amounts of agricultural land throughout Logudoro.
The condaghe of Trullas tells us of the state of prosperity of the priory without interruption until at least 1257 and the Athen family was always present to take care of assets, which will remain under a kind of interference and under the patronage of the family.
The family also repeatedly made sure that the church of San Nicola had everything necessary for the correct carrying out of liturgical ceremonies and donating everything the monks would need: we know from documents that the Athen family often intervened to settle disputes, carry out business and increase the assets given to the Camaldolese priory. The church and the monastery enjoyed excellent economic health until the mid 13th century, when a series of bad management moves brought about a large part of the priory assets.

(State Archive, Florence).

(Cagliari University Library).

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