The donation document
The donation document of the church of San Nicola di Trullas to the Camaldolese monks has fortunately been preserved (figs. 1-4). From reading the document, we know that on 29th October 1113, thirteen members of the Athen family, with the consent of the judge and the ecclesiastical authorities, donated the church of San Nicola di Trullas to the rector of Camaldoli, affiliating it with the hermitage of San Salvatore di Camaldoli, on the Tuscan Apennines. From the document, we learn that the Athen family donated a church to the Camaldolese order that had everything necessary for the normal carrying out of ecclesiastical activities: a silver altar table, a silver cross, several ecclesiastical books and some relics are also mentioned.

Fig. 1 - Donation document of the church of San Nicola di Trullas, 1113
(State Archive, Florence).
(State Archive, Florence).

Fig. 2 - Donation document of the church of San Nicola di Trullas, 1113
(State Archive, Florence).
(State Archive, Florence).

Fig. 3 - Donation document of the church of San Nicola di Trullas, 1113
(State Archive, Florence).
(State Archive, Florence).

Fig. 4 - Donation document of the church of San Nicola di Trullas, 1113
(State Archive, Florence).
(State Archive, Florence).
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