The church dedicated to San Nicola (fig. 1) was built in the “Romanesque” style with limestone ashlars and trachyte inserts and was constituted by the proximity of two cubes on which the apse stands, to the east (fig. 2).

Internally the church has two cross vault bays, separated by a sub-arch (fig. 3).

The external walls were not plastered and characterised by the presence of six single-light windows, each with its own characteristics (fig. 4).

The church building (built before 1113, when it was donated by the Athen family to Camaldolese monks) and the monastery (built after the structure of the church), were a full part of the development of Romanesque architecture, that flourished in Sardinia between the mid 11th century and the end of the 13th century (fig. 5). In particular, the church of San Nicola di Trullas found its architectural model in the not-distant church of Santa Maria del Regno ad Ardara, a palatine chapel for the judges of Torres, which had characteristics of the Romanesque architecture of Pisa from the era prior to the building of the Duomo di Pisa.

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- R. DELOGU, L’architettura del medioevo in Sardegna, Roma, 1953.
- R. MARTORELLI, Insediamenti monastici in Sardegna dalle origini al XV secolo, linee essenziali, in RiME (Rivista dell’Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea), 4, 2010, pp. 39-72.
- A. PANDOLFI ET ALII, San Nicola di Trullas a Semestene. Chiesa e monastero, in Committenza, scelte insediative e organizzazione patrimoniale nel medioevo (De Re Monastica - I), Atti del Convegno di studio (Tergu, 15-17 settembre 2006), a cura di Letizia Pani Ermini, Spoleto, 2007, pp. 167-206.
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