The territory in Roman Times
The territory of the Roman town is not particularly rich in evidence (fig. 1); this is concentrated in the town itself and its immediate vicinity (fig. 2).

Fig. 1 - The main centres and roads of Roman Sardinia (from Mastino 2005, p. 340)

Fig. 2 - The territory of Fordongianus highlighting the most important sites (from Google Earth; re-worked by C. Tronchetti).
Some milestones found far from the urban centre tell us of a road which went from the current Porto Torres to Cagliari, passing by Fordongianus.
Some stretches of this road were identified near the bridge over the Tirso, and the ruins of an aqueduct were found nearby.
During modern works in the current town, stretches of urban roads, of houses were brought to light (fig. 3); reports from the beginning of last century also mentioned isolated tombs.

Fig. 3 - Mosaic floor found in Fordongianus (from Angiolillo 1981, tab. XLIV. )
- S. ANGIOLILLO, Mosaici Antichi in Italia. Sardinia, Roma 1981.
- R. ZUCCA, Forum Traiani e la Sardinia romana, Oristano 2008.