The square
Immediately to the South and West of the Baths II building you have a large stone paved square (figs. 1-2), through which the hot and cold water canals feeding the Baths flow.

On the southern side, a long, wide staircase goes to the ground's upper level (fig. 3), where the current habitat stands and where the remains of the ancient one were found.

On its west side the square narrows; in this point too you have steps going down towards the the river below (fig. 4).

In the southern part, where the ground tends to climb, you have a strong containment wall (fig. 5) next to the steps and, further up, water cisterns (fig. 6).

Considering the size and care taken over how the square was built, it is assumed to be the forum, the main square, of the Roman town.
- G. BACCO, P. B. SERRA, Forum Traiani: il contesto termale e l’indagine di scavo, in L’Africa Romana XII, Atti del Convegno di Studio 1996, Sassari 1998, pp. 1237-1238.
- R. ZUCCA, Fordongianus, Sassari 1986, p. 28.